Once your company becomes active, and creates a profit, it’s likely that you will receive a salary of the company. This salary might be taxes in the Netherlands, but this is not always the case.

In the Netherlands there is a distinction between payroll tax, and social contributions. In several circumstances, the social contributions might vary. For example, company director-shareholder pay less social contributions, because they are not entitled to sick leave, and several other employee incentives.
In case an employee(-owner) is spending most of the year outside the Netherlands, this can also affect the social contributions, as well as the payroll tax.
Requesting an exemption for both payroll/wage tax as social contributions
Assuming that the work period (in the Netherlands) is 6 months or less, the employee remains a tax resident of his country of residence and is, in principle, taxed there for his world income. To prevent the Netherlands from levying taxes on wages, an application for exemption from payroll tax can be made.
Do you want to apply for the exemption? Download the application form here.
Pay attention! this requires a 'declaration of tax liability for the country of residence'. This declaration must be signed by the tax authorities of the country of residence.
You will find an example of a declaration of residence here.
Please contact us to check if you qualify for the exemption. Exemptions might not be applicable in case of ‘managers/directors’ roles, depending on the Double Tax Treaty that is in place.
You can also schedule a call with one of our experts below. They will make an inventory of what it is you need.